As a person with a machine and fabric, yes I am absolutely making masks. In abundance.

I started with the standard 6″ x 9″ inch square with pleats and elastic in each of the four corners. I followed this simple video, but there are masses of tutorials and patterns out there. I made my first 20 or so with this pattern. I ran out of elastic though, so I had to choose another option. BTW, I have since learned that it is recommended to wear with the pleats going downwards (not up like the pic) to avoid “dust & things” from falling into the folds.

Next, I went with the Olson mask, designed by the Unity Point Health Allen hospital in the US to meet their specific needs. They ask that they be provided without the elastics and with a pocket so they can put in their own filters. They were also designed to be placed over the N95 mask to lengthen their lifespan. I found that as a stand-alone mask, it was a little too thin for my preference. It is great if you want/can add a filter to it so some like it, but I decided to move on.
I did try to order elastic from the usual places, Paccana,, etc,. but they were all sold out. I eventually decided to place an order for a 1/4″ spool from Amazon (expected delivery is not until May). Bonus though – I ordered (and received) some hair bands that seem to work quite well. So I needed a pattern where I could incorporate the bands rather than elastic and I looked for alternatives. I found hundreds!

I finally settled on what I just think if the best looking and fitting one. I am making these with quality quilting cotton on both the outside and inside and then add an additional inside layer of cotton fused with a light non-woven interfacing. I also printed a larger size (pattern printed @120%) for my son and hub that needed to accommodate a beard. I reduced it slightly for some of my friends and family with more delicate features.

I also want to make a few shout-outs. Funkymonkey fabrics has been incredible at getting their fabric orders shipped fast! Their turn-around for me has been same day shipping and arrival within 3 days. They ship from Watford, Ontario. For myself and others, this has enabled me to keep sewing. Also, a special thanks to all my friends and family still out there working everyday in essential positions. Be safe.
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