This is an introduction to the new series, “Then Vs. Now” Sewing.
Numerous, vivid memories of my childhood and my Mum are permanently interwoven with sewing. My earliest memories in this world consist of being dragged through fabric stores as a child. Back then, it just seemed the most monotonous, tiresome thing to do in the world! Even as an adult, I would see a fabric store front and get an urge to speed up, keep moving, escape. As I turn away quickly, I’m silently thankful that I wasn’t about to be dragged in there – for hours – to do nothing. Ahhhh! (I felt much the same about gardening centres, but that’s a story for another day).
Sewing Mum

Does any one else remember their Mum talking through pins in her mouth as she put the finishing touches on this outfit or another? How about being told to stop fidgeting while being fitted or sitting down to find a stray pin somewhere inside your clothes?
Later, as a mother of my own children, sewing was a series of necessary tasks: repair rips and tears, save loose buttons, sew on badges, reinforce knees, hem, create Halloween or school-event costumes, ensure matching curtains & throw cushions (hey, it was the 80’s- everything had to match or you, your big hair & big shoulder pads were totally eclipsed!). Of course, I could count on the fact that my sewing Mum would often arrive and pitch in. She even picked up the more complex sewing tasks and often supplemented my wardrobe too.
Remembering the Past
So, it is enough to say that anything or everything to do with needle, thread and fabric reminds me of Mum. As I find myself catching the sewing bug, I realize Mum would be shocked surprised at my interest too. Yet I see so many changes; some subtle, some major that I wish I could share with her. In many ways computers have affected the patterns, tools, processes and maybe even the culture of sewing. Yet many other things are strangely untouched.
My mum had Alzheimer’s disease. As a result, she never did learn much about computers or the internet. I know that if she had had all her memories, she would have loved seeing and discussing the differences and changes in sewing in recent years. I find myself constantly wondering what she would think of this or that change as I learn something new. There is no doubt that she would have enjoyed talking about what I found and probably add in a few of her own observations.
“Then vs. Now” Sewing
I constantly marvel at and appreciate the advantages and improvements we enjoy today. Maybe, computerization is the reason I enjoy sewing now. Consequently, I will be posting my observations about sewing then and now in series of posts. Kinda like I’m talking to Mum.
It is likely that I will miss some things. Please jump in and correct anything I didn’t get right or left out!
This series is dedicated to all the sewing mums, past, current and future. We are the people that fearlessly walk right up to a fabric store of any kind, open the door and walk through.
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