Crafting, Sewing and Knitting in Canada

Hello there. My name is Fran. I blog here about my hobbies and interests and occasionally opinions.

I often find great sites and want to save them to find later, so I started compiling a list of online Canadian resources mostly related to crafting, sewing and more recently knitting supplies in Canada.
Bucket Hat with hand embroidery

My lists are mostly Canadian online fabric stores  so I can find and support local and domestic businesses. My lists can be sorted by provinces or regions. I included some filters for typical inventory at each online store. (Please let me know if you think I should update a link or two). I add more in as I find them and usually do a full link check about once a year.

I blog

You can check out my blog for my latest projects or interests. I list a few of my recent posts below, but I have quite a few going back. The top menu will get you to everywhere else.

I hope you will have a look around and please do let me know if this information is useful or helpful for you.

Recent Blog Posts

Arcane Fibre Works. A Yarn

Spoiler Alert: I highly recommend The Arcane Fibre Works yarn. Colour, softness, ordering and

Tuppence at 5

I should really be posting more pictures of Tuppence. She really is the sweetest cuddliest girl. She

Not OK Boomer

A recent email arrived in my inbox advertising a new class in a technical area I'm interested in.

Check out all my full blog here. I hope you find something that interests you!